Summer Sailing


As we do most years, my friend Christina and I set off on a small sailing trip this year as well. Weather wasn't the best, it was quite cold, the past 2 summers have actually been very cold for Sweden. But we still enjoyed our time off and made the most of it!

First evening we spent on the island where my brother works. We had a merry evening!


I wonder who lost the propeller...


This is the view from where my brother works. He is a lucky man!



This ugly object is supposed to be very important art, a statue that represents the essense of the archipelago... I don't see it, do you?


This is one of the boat houses my brother looks after.


We had to spend some time playing Backgammon. We are very even, so many of the games end with a battle like this!


We had some showers... But as always, it rains more over main land than over the islands!


And we had some very nice blue skies as well!


Christina is a skilled helms woman!



Not everything is alive out there...



But when the showers and the cold kept us indoors, we snuggled up inside and ate and played games!


This island is famous for its ice pots. These holes were drilled by the 1 kilometre ice that once covered this part of Sweden. The ice moved in small circles, and if there was a rock of a harder material, it would slowly drill a hole in the mountain. The first one isn't very deep, only about 3 decimetres, maybe a foot or so, for those who haven't converted to the metrics yet. But the second one is about 1½ metres deep, I have emptied it from water once, and it is gorgeous!



When our trip was over, we left the boat at my brother's work, and he drove us back to the shore. He looks like a very happy captain!


Those photos were taken by Christina:




Very concentrated tying the boat to the rock, we don't want to wake up in Finland...