Sailing trip with S/Y Älva spring 2004. Unfortunately I did not have a camera at this time. Luckily, one of my students, Wille, gave me copies of his photos, so that I could make this album. I met the students at the central station, at 4 am... The only thing I have to say about that is, I threatened to kill anyone who claimed they had more sleep than me that night, and I managed 1½ hours... A bus took us safely to the airport and after everyone had removed their pocket knifes and other stuff they had forgotten to remove from hand luggage, we were finally allowed onboard! After a life giving cup of tea we landed at Stansted Airport where another bus picked us up. After a nice tour through London, we were dropped of right here:where I told the students not to get lost, and told them to meet us later at the embankment. One of the things we saw was the big old ben!
Who was this guy?
One of the main tasks in London was to interview one of the natives:
From the Embankment we got a nice view of the eye!
We went to Greenwich too, where we could stand with one foot in the east, the other in the west. The line goes through right here:
After a few days in Dover (sorry, no picture of Dover Castle yet!) we crossed the channel.
We ended up in Den Helder after a few days! Here is the lock:
We found a very nice spot in Den Helder!
In Den Helder we visited a ship yard where they build leisure crafts using a unique method with strong plank, that was very interesting!
From Den Helder we took the train to Amsterdam and looked at the view!
And the view...
before we returned to the boat and set sails over the German Bight!
When we entered the lock to the Kiel Canal we had very nice company! This is the largest sailing ship in the world I'm told! I sure hope that information is right...
The Kiel Canal was rainy...
After Kiel I departed from the group and took a plane home. That was so sad, I really wanted to stay on board! So the following pictures are from after I left.
Wille, is that you taking the picture from up there???
The Baltic
And in sunset!
The Kalmar Sound
Omg, isn't it a bit too cold for that?
Can we really go under that bridge???
Home sweet home!